
How Many Gallons Of Gas

Gasoline is the master U.South. transportation fuel

In 2021, Americans used well-nigh 135 billion gallons of gasoline, including 134.83 billion gallons of finished motor gasoline—or about 369 million gallons per day—and virtually 0.18 billion gallons of finished aviation gasoline. Motor gasoline is one of the major fuels consumed in the United States and is the main product that U.Southward. oil refineries produce. Most of the finished motor gasoline sold for use in vehicles in the United States is about ten% fuel ethanol by volume.


Well-nigh gasoline is used in cars and light trucks

Source: Stock photography (copyrighted)

  • Cars, sport utility vehicles, light trucks, and motorcycles
  • Recreational vehicles and boats
  • Small aircraft
  • Equipment and tools used in construction, farming, forestry, and landscaping
  • Electricity generators for portable and emergency power supply

In 2021, total gasoline consumption (based on energy content) accounted for about 58% of transportation sector total energy consumption and 16% of U.S. full free energy consumption, and (based on volume) 45% of total petroleum consumption.1

Calorie-free-duty vehicles (cars, sport utility vehicles, and small trucks) account for nigh 91% of all gasoline consumption in the United States.2

Texas and California have the largest gasoline consumption

The corporeality of total gasoline utilise diverse among united states of america, but Texas and California together business relationship for virtually 1-fifth of U.South. total gasoline consumption.

Top five full gasoline-consuming states, 2021
State Million barrels/day 1000000 gallons/day Share of U.South. total gasoline consumption
Texas 0.92 38.55 11%
California 0.79 33.31 9%
Florida 0.49 20.62 six%
New York 0.33 14.01 iv%
Georgia 0.32 13.65 4%

Source: U.Due south. Energy Information Administration, Petroleum and Other Liquids—Prime Supplier Sales Volumes, as of June 8, 2022

Last updated: June 9, 2022 with most recent data available at the fourth dimension of update; data for 2021 are preliminary.

How Many Gallons Of Gas,


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